Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Game Plan

I want to cook more, and I want to try and get more fruits and vegetables into my diet. This is going to involve more frequent trips to the grocery store, which can be rather difficult without a car. Either I need to suck it up and figure out how the bus schedule works, or just walk there every other day and only pick up what I need for immediate meals, so that it fits handily in a backpack.

I also need to start using up my frozen food, since I'll be moving out of this apartment in two months or so. This is a good thing, since I'll end up trying new recipes and may find things I enjoy. I may also find "Oh god never cook that again!" recipes, but that is a hazard of culinary experimentation.

First thing to say here is that I am not going to exercise to lose weight. I am going to exercise because I want to be stronger, and because I want to feel more in touch with my body.

Walking will make up the majority of my aerobic exercise. I generally end up walking around 4 miles just from my everyday activities, like going to work, walking to campus, so on and so forth. But I need to make more of an effort to go out for walks just for the sake of walking, without dragging along a bag or purse or whatever else is necessary for what I need to do that day.

I also want to build my strength and flexibility. Right now, my arms and core are weak. I haven't been using them very much, and it shows every time I exert them. So I am going to start with the two hundred sit-ups program (which is really a two hundred crunches program), and add on one hundred push ups and two hundred squats when I've made some progress with building my core. I'll also try and run through a stretching routine each day, though I'm also hoping to find some simple yoga routines on Youtube that will help with flexibility.

Mental Wellness

I need to sleep. I feel better when I get in a solid 7-8 hours of sleep at night. I function better, and I do not need to rely on caffeine and sugar to keep me away through the day.

I also need to work on my time management skills. I want to finish my incomplete coursework over the next couple of months, and I need to manage my time so that I have time for work, schoolwork, job searching, and relaxation in a week. Some days I will probably overdo one of these things and be unable to concentrate on the others, but that's okay. I will simply have to accept that I did not manage to get everything done in the time I gave myself for it, move on, and try to do better the next day.

It's hard for me to balance getting things done with sleeping. It always has been. I got homework done in high school and undergrad by not sleeping, and it made me sick. I tried to do the same thing in grad school and my body and mind couldn't handle it. I never again want to be in that place.

So now, I'm going to fix it.

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